
Follow us as we travel the world and let you know what beers you should try(or not) and where you can find them.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dundee Stout Dark and Drinkable

" Lets say you up and decide to throw a wooden barrel of ale in a public display of manliness. How then to celebrate? That's right, a Dundee Stout. "

Solid bottle lable. That pretty much sums up the beer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

21st Amendment Back in Black

Excellent dark beer. Reminds me of a guiness and a Porter combined. A delight for any beer connoisseurs tastebuds. So far, have not been disappointed by any 21st Amendment. Drank at Mad Mex in State College PA.

Mom Hefeweizen by Rogue

Lighter hefeweizen. Same taste with a lighter consistency. I'm more of a fan of heavier beers, but not bad. Def not worth $5.50. Drank at Mad Mex in State College PA.